Signs That Your Side Hustle is Ready to Grow to New Heights

Take it from me - creatives are constantly brainstorming new projects, taking on new side hustles, or looking ahead to their next new offering. Finding a hole in the market where your next passion can call home is incredibly satisfying, albeit sometimes risky.

No one ever wants to consider failure an option, but it’s certainly a possibility whenever you start a new venture. Starting something new and setting it up for criticism is always nerve-wracking as well, but if it means getting your side hustle off the ground then it can absolutely be worth it.

So, therein lies the big question: how do you know when your side gig is ready to level up to full-time?

Pink, cream and gold wedding reception decor at Palladio Banquet Hall in Glendale, CA, design by Eddie Zaratisian Lifestyle and Design

Back to basics – what type of business do you want?

Even if you’re just testing the waters, it’s always a good idea to put together a business plan draft. This can be a very rough draft if need be, but you’ll still want to consider the basics of your new business or added services to your existing business.

Start with your ideal client. What do they look like? What are they looking for? Consider longevity – could it withstand economic changes or evolving client needs/wants? Additionally, it’s a great idea to have your figurative ducks in a row when it comes to permits and licenses you may need (plus insurance).

Pink, cream and gold wedding reception florals decor at Palladio Banquet Hall in Glendale, CA, design by Eddie Zaratisian Lifestyle and Design
Pink, cream and gold wedding reception floral decor at Palladio Banquet Hall in Glendale, CA, design by Eddie Zaratsian Lifestyle and Design

Putting a like-minded team in place

Bear in mind that no successful business is without a team in place to take it from point A to point B. If you already have a primary business in place, then you know the value of trustworthy, driven employees. Make sure that you’re hiring people that will have the same values and goals in mind for your business.

When it comes down to putting together a job description and moving into the hiring process, keep everything detailed and vet candidates accordingly. Hiring purely off of charisma may not work for you long-term, so do your best to set expectations early-on and define your ideal team before you begin. A great personality doesn’t always equate to a great employee.

Pink, cream and gold wedding reception floral decor at Palladio Banquet Hall in Glendale, CA, design by Eddie Zaratsian Lifestyle and Design
Pink, cream and gold wedding reception floral decor at Palladio Banquet Hall in Glendale, CA, design by Eddie Zaratsian Lifestyle and Design
Pink, cream and gold wedding reception floral decor at Palladio Banquet Hall in Glendale, CA, design by Eddie Zaratsian Lifestyle and Design

Marketing, marketing, marketing

Not only is it crucial to utilize marketing when you’re promoting your new business or offerings, but it’s incredibly effective as a way to tell your story. Our clients want that special connection and emotional attachment when they’re looking to hire an event pro or a creative. I pride myself on delivering that experience, and I wouldn’t have the success that I do without those relationships.

Now, let’s break down the moving parts of marketing. I find that social media is my best friend when it comes to this – I personally love connecting via Instagram Stories and Reels. Showcasing some quick sound bites and videos behind the scenes is the perfect way to show off your creative process or provide a sneak peek at new products. Curating your feed and using appropriate hashtags and keywords will ensure that you’re putting yourself in front of the target audience you want to attract.

I know firsthand how intimidating it can be to move from a side hustle to a full-time career. However, the benefits have been endless, and I’ve connected with more clients than I ever could have dreamed of. Put yourself in the consumer’s shoes when auditing your new idea, and make sure that this new venture is inherently and authentically you!

Pink, cream and gold wedding reception floral decor at Palladio Banquet Hall in Glendale, CA, design by Eddie Zaratsian Lifestyle and Design
Pink, cream and gold wedding reception floral decor at Palladio Banquet Hall in Glendale, CA, design by Eddie Zaratsian Lifestyle and Design

Photography by Sakosan



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